Electric vs Gas Golf Carts

When it comes to golf carts, there are two main types: electric and gas. Both have their pros and cons, so it’s important to know the difference before making a decision. Here’s a quick overview of each type to help you choose the right one for your needs.

If you’re in the market for a golf cart, you might be wondering whether to go electric or gas. Both have their pros and cons, so it’s important to weigh your options before making a decision. In this blog post, we’ll break down the key differences between electric and gas golf carts so you can decide which one is right for you.

Electric Golf Carts

If you’re looking for a golf cart that’s environmentally friendly and low maintenance, then an electric golf cart is probably the way to go. Electric carts are powered by batteries, so they don’t produce any emissions. They’re also very quiet, which can be nice if you’re playing early in the morning or late at night.

The downside of electric carts is that they require regular charging, which can take several hours. They also have a limited range before needing to be recharged, so they might not be the best choice if you have a long commute. Electric carts are also more expensive than gas carts, but they’re typically less expensive to operate over time.

Why Electric Golf Carts?

Cost of Operation

One of the main considerations when choosing between a gas and electric golf cart is the cost of operation. Generally speaking, electric carts are more expensive to operate than gas carts. The initial purchase price of an electric cart is usually higher than a gas cart, but over time, the cost of electricity will add up and you’ll end up spending more on electricity than you would on gas. 

Environmental Impact

Another important consideration is the environmental impact of your choice. Electric carts are much better for the environment than gas carts. Gasoline releases harmful emissions into the air, while electric carts have no emissions at all. If you’re looking to be as eco-friendly as possible, an electric cart is the way to go. 


When it comes to performance, there are pros and cons to both gas and electric carts. Gas carts tend to have more power and can therefore handle hills and other inclines better than electric carts. Electric carts, on the other hand, are quieter and smoother than gas carts. So if noise level is a concern for you, an electric cart might be the better choice. 

Gas Golf Carts

Gas golf carts are powered by gasoline, just like a car. They’re more powerful than electric carts and can go longer distances without needing to be refueled. Gas carts are also less expensive upfront than electric carts. However, they’re not as environmentally friendly because they produce emissions from the exhaust system. Gasoline is also more expensive than electricity over time, so you’ll end up spending more to operate a gas cart in the long run. 

Both electric and gas golf carts have their pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the right type for your needs. If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly option that’s low maintenance, then an electric cart is probably the way to go. However, if you need a powerful cart that can go long distances without needing to be refueled, then a gas cart might be better suited for you. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your budget and how you’ll be using your golf carts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Is Better, Gas or Electric Golf Cart?

Electric golf carts are better because they’re more environmentally friendly and have lower operating costs. However, gas golf carts are more powerful and can go longer distances without needing to be refueled.

Is Gas or Battery Golf Cart More Expensive?

Electric golf carts are less expensive because you don’t have to spend money on gas. However, over time, electric golf carts will cost more because you have to charge the batteries regularly.