How to Draw a Family Tree in 7 Easy Steps

It can be a challenge to put together a family tree, especially if you are new to genealogy. The task seems daunting and is often avoided because there is no obvious starting point. But it’s not as hard as you might think! In this article, we will walk through the process of drawing an easy-to-understand family tree in just 7 steps.

Tired of your family tree looking like a tangled mess? Master how to draw a family tree in 7 easy steps! This short and sweet post will show you how to do it, with no messy lines or confusing branches. The best part is that this simple drawing can be used for genealogy research, as well as illustrating the relationships between different family members.

I am an artist and I spend a lot of time drawing. Drawing is my favorite thing to do, and the one that Iโ€™m best at (according to me). A few years ago, I began sketching out my family tree. It started with just myself and my immediate family members, but then grew as more relatives were added in.

It is not uncommon for parents to want to pass on the family history they’ve built up over the years. It’s a way of letting your children know where their roots are and it’s also a great way of teaching them about themselves.

1. What is a family tree and how to draw one

A family tree is a diagram that shows the relationships between people in a family. A family tree can be as simple or complex as you like. It could start with just yourself, and then show how your parents are related to each other and their relationship to you- a schematic diagram showing the relationships in an arrow.

A more detailed drawing would also include grandparents on both sides of the family!

2. The basics of drawing a family tree- the branches, leaves, roots, etc

Here are a few of the basics to know when drawing your tree.

  • Each person is represented by a symbolic branch with leaves.
  • The roots represent the beginning of your family tree – these are usually drawn at the bottom but can be on either side if you prefer to start drawing from one side or another.
  • If there’s more than one partner for any given couple, then each parent

3. How to use your family tree as an educational tool for your children

Kids are always interested in learning about their family. This is also an excellent way for them to see the origins of their grandparents! Drawing out your family will teach your kids that the family doesn’t just start and end with them. They’ll also be able to see how your parents are related, their grandparents on both sides, etc.

Some children may have a hard time understanding the concept of relationships in general or figuring out which parent is theirs when you’ve remarried – if they’re too young for that conversation just have fun drawing!

4. Why you should keep track of your genealogy records with a pedigree chart that goes back at least five generations

Keeping track of your family is important. We like to go back at least 5 generations, to see how we are related. Share your family pedigree charts with other researchers – this way you can compare notes and help each other out!

A good place for a workshop on drawing genealogy trees is the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, UT . This research library has classes that will teach you all about tracing back your family tree!

How to get started

1. You will need pen and paper for this project, as well as time to brainstorm ideas

The first step in drawing your family tree is to get a pen and paper. A family tree should always start with the person who is doing the drawing. Make a list of all members in your family, including parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

The next step is to identify how you are related – for example if someone’s mother or father has passed away they might be an only child or one of many siblings. Many people also have step children or other important people to include!

2. Start by drawing the trunk of your tree first – this should be large enough to fit all the names you want on it 

Start by drawing the trunk of your your tree first – this should be large enough to fit all the names you want on it. Branch off from there with smaller branches and leaves for each person’s name.

The final step is to add some color! Add a different colored pencil or marker for any relative that has passed away, as well as if they are living. This is also a good place to include family photos!

3. Draw lines from the top down so they are long enough to reach all the way across your paper 

When you are drawing your tree make sure the lines are done from the top down so they are long enough to reach all of the way across your paper.

TIP: To add a little colour, draw one or two lines for each person’s name and write their relation in there! This can be done by adding different coloured pencils/markers next to their name (you may wish to label each image).

4. On each line, write someone’s name or draw an arrow pointing towards them if they are not included on that line (optional)

It is important to label each image because this will help you to get the order of events in your family tree correct.

You can either write someone’s name on that line, or draw an arrow pointing towards them if they are not included on that line!

TIP: You may wish to use different colours for each person so it is easy to distinguish between people who have passed

In this blog post, we learned about the different types of family trees and how to draw them. We also explored other ways that a tree can be used outside of genealogy such as for art or in nature.

Hopefully these tips have helped you better understand your own family history and maybe even inspired some new ideas on how else to celebrate it!

Once you have a family tree drawn, it will be easier to show your children where they came from. You can also use this as an opportunity to teach them about their ancestors and the stories that come with them.

The next time someone asks for help drawing one of these family trees, donโ€™t hesitate! Just grab some paper and get started on something fun together today. It might even spark new memories or lead to future conversations in the process!

After you finish your family tree, be sure to take a picture of it and share it with us on social media! We love seeing our readers’ work.

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